Porsche part of bubble memory?

Imagine a world, inside and outside the confines of an electronic game, cyberspace, the limits of programming, database and bubble memory.   There is so much taken for it that for the last several years artists and developers have merged itself to a very high level human ascent.  The binary code has now been so much part of the world’s population that it is next to impossible to be someone old enough to look back to know when computers didn’t exist.

We have seen it all, space exploration, social media, architecture, music, art, sports,  a virtual world all built with the help of computer aided design.   In this world however, a massive emporium complete with a meta universe has all of the roads, cars, planes, trains, machines, robots, houses, buildings, people, satellites, horses, fields, prisons, dancing, ships, racetrack, and everything in between that keeps excellent tracks of them.  The endless scale that that never colloids inventions to touch one another.

Even here at A. Bauer Repair Independent Porsche Repair, our goal uses every aspect of computers to test and verify the oldest cars to the newest.   There are dynometer “dyno” machines that uses computers to read performance.  We even use computers to give readouts of what the computers are reading and then those decisions are handled by the human element.

This mix of human and computer technology has hit a new level.   Experiences and choices are past a forefront of what we have never seen before.  Social media has brought us Reaction Grid, Second Life and a few other virtual worlds that are the play pens of science, techs, engineers, and sports minded alike.  Invention and creation is only limited to whats on the mind, and replication of both touchable and the untouchable are as well.    For example… created by the GMUND team, on Second Life, of crafty Porsche lovers, and sticklers for factory details released a fully drivable and optional savvy Porsche 356B with a variety of body options.

Second life brings us the opportunity to interact with a 3D environment.    Here is my “savvy” self over viewing a stock, right out of a box Porsche 356B.   According to the engineers at GMUND, the designs were taken off of issued Porsche blueprints.   The 3D model of the cars has been altered enough to not be confused with the real thing, but having a the highest level of accuracy is 100% possible.

The avatar, standing to the right of car is a personification of myself in real-life.  But I wanted to make a point that scaling will be correct as long as my avatar isn’t 10′ feet tall.

Standing outside the picture frame, you can see in the background a scaled Porsche 911, again, stock right out of the box.  Everything from colors, interiors, wheels, sport packages, sunroof, body options and glass can be optioned to the avatars likings.   It is completely possible to also have an engine option.  The correctness for 3D virtual world is so great you could even open the trunk, hood, doors and even the glove box.  The options through a HEADS UP DISPLAY (HUD) will allow the user to pick and choose how exactly want their car.  What is even better, is that any Rennsport Reunion IV fan would see these cars and recognize them immediately, by simply its options and trim packages.   I was even able to replicate my own 1969 911T Soft Window Targa option in color and trim package, so of course I drive my Soft window all over meta world whenever I can.  What is absolutely true is I never have to change spark plugs, adjust clutch or replace brake pads.  Of course, no insurance, license or fuel costs will need to be paid either.  If the car is designed to seat 4, it seats 4.  If designed to seat, it seats 2.  What like about the seating feature is nobody in the back seat complains how small the space is back there.

The engineers really have made a few BMWs and in the constant process of improving computer script writing to make the cars do clever things like have the avatar head check behind while moving in reverse.   All signals works and should your avatar needs to know what time is it so you can log off and join your family for dinner.    They built a perfect looking Porsche 917 which like all the other cars they make offers a HUD that allows color changes.

The Porsche 944 is rather remarkable as well.  The car comes out of the box completely stock as well.  No need to buy one in three colors because using your HUD, you can choose from the many Porsche paints and factory setups.  There the car comes out of the box in stock red.   Reminding yourself that virtual reality is really a bunch of computer information saved out on in memory with attached “inverse kinetic” nested links of part and subgroups your car with your control will run all speeds and neutral, for that all the important oil change. Just kidding.. you don’t oil or gas for that matter.  All of that stuff is free on SL.  A matter of fact.. for the price of a couple of tanks of 92 octane gas, you can pretty much build a world like this.. including a surround track and own all three cars.   The license plates can be customized all you like.

Second Life is a huge meta world.  There are thousands of sims all interconnecting one to another.   A “sim”, if you don’t know is a word for Simulation, or basically several acres of square land of various interconnecting terrain.   The sky for a sim is virtually forever, so technically you could forever into a void of cyberspace and never return.  The inventors of the Second Life even helped this community of tying in roads to bridges around mountains, tunnels, bridges and waterways.  There was even talk of a Gumball Rally between one side of Second Life to another and back.  I’ve driven around some of it..and just to go a several dozen sims in one direction can take a good couple of hours.

In this image you can see part of a sim.  Incidentally, buildings in Second Life are completely accessible to avatars just like real buildings.  There is a huge architectural committee of people that work and remark on such structures.    This sim has an intersection and a gas station.   Here is where I have my Porsche 911 getting the windows washed.

These cars are made with vector files.  They then created using something known as sculpted prim.  A Sculpted Prim, or sculptie, is a prim whose shape is determined by an array of x, y, z coordinates stored as RGB values in an image file (a Sculpt Texture or Sculpt Map). Sculpted prims can be used to create more complex, organic shapes that were not before possible with the Second Life prim system. Each piece of a Porsche 911 to the right is one prim (and so is the plate). For technical details, see Sculpted Prims: Technical Explanation.

It is very interesting to see how an RGB value in an image file will make a Porsche panel.  Computers in today’s world would use those very same files to replace shapes that we might see in the 996 and 997.   In a real car the shape would be molded and a panel press would be created to stamp out metal shapes.   In a virtual car, the prim (or virtual world single shape) would be tortured to be a shape.  At that point it is all about using vector lines to align and link shapes to make a car.  If you can image, there is only 37 some shapes to make the car.   Hinges, doors, lights.. all of it.. in just those few shapes.

One might ask..why such a few number of shapes?  The answer is all too easy… it’s the limitation of having a server move that many shapes across the sim.

Each shape then can be colored, textured, given attributes to glow, spin, hinge, do whatever it needs to act and look like a Porsche.   Then, as part of the sculpted prim each are scripted to offer other interesting aspects of technology such as sounds, speed, rumble, and so many other pieces to make that car feel like a 911.   To then allow even more variations in how the appearance of a car might be, the HUD, will show speed, gears, braking, turning, lights, horns, locks like mentioned before.  It will only be a matter of time when real life cars will have these very same features, because they are here already.  I terms for A. Bauer Repair, be sure to visit our pit area during racing seasons.

If you do not have an account, visit Secondlife.com and create a free one.  I would suggest however if you would like to own one of these babies..be sure to get yourself some lindens and buy one for yourself.    For those interested in seeing more about these great virtual machines, visit “The City of Concord, West TeleHUB at Concord West 128, 100, 45.    Within the city you will find these amazing cars for sale.

So yes… Porsche is part of bubble memory and always have been.

506 responses to “Porsche part of bubble memory?

  1. Wow!!!! Cool man! Nice from you to write and article about us. We just have a tiny correction though. The Porsche is called Gmund due Copyrights and such; but our company is called GEMC (Great Eastern Motor Company) and based in Second Life (Virtual World, as you know)

    Furthermore, I love to read your blogs; It is very cool to get some new knowledge about these cars, while reading something interesting.

    The very best in greetings and hope to see the shop “A. Bauer Porsche, Oakland, California” to have presence in Virtual Reality,

    Chaves Shu.

    • Dear Chaves

      I must really thank those that understand the wave of the future. Chris (owner/lead mechanic) and Bryan (mechanic/restoration/development) and the remaining team of dedicate mechanics and artists at Bauer Porsche allows us to bring the best for our customers. Each of these cars are very different and so are the customers. We strive to bring the best in both so that they can do what they want most, drive these fantastic machines. Virtual Reality brings on a special opportunity that I find carries a special level of presentation and attitude that we see in everyday life. So thank you too, for taking the time and effort to create such amazing pixels for all of us to enjoy.

      Tito Young (writer and blogger for Abauerporsche)

      • Dear Tito,

        Nice to hear that im not the only Porsche fanatic on this planet, as i assumed haha. Also Cheers, we’d love and still love our products in this virtual art-world.
        It brings (to me very mutch) love and passion towards something i always look out for, yes, Porsche… Funny thing i bumped into this blog before and also noted that atleast one of you guys ”plays” Second Life. And towards us (GEMC) this could be very helpfull for new Porsche projects for GEMC (our virtual company as explaind earlier) and get us more detailed information as i assume you folks have it since the ”fan books” not always tell you everything you need to know.

        Whenever you guys are interested in Emailing me along for some information, or to stay within touch, feel free to email me on: Stephan.bericht@gmail.com.

        here by annother warm greets from GEMC and from me (fromout the Netherlands),
        Stephan (Chaves Shu)

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    Nelson Wells

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    • Roland
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    • Arturo

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  285. What do Britney Spears, Victoria Beckham, Lindsay Lohan and Jessica Simpson have in common? (And heck, no! [url=http://www.ewatchesselect.com/replica-movado-watches]Replica Movado Watches[/url] I am not talking about how these female celebs have been called different unsavory names like pop tarts and trend fuglies in the class of their careers) They all really like designer watches for females, that’s what!

    If you are an avid follower of female celebrities’ outfits, you will observe that aside from the ubiquitous designer handbags, you will be privy to the sight of gloriously consideration-grabbing and expensively classy designer watches for females (and guys, in some circumstances) gracing their wrists. Just what is it that makes females go gaga for all watches designer, anyway?

    At any time, All the Time

    Designer watches for women make for wonderful presents all the time, at any time! Permit us count the twelve causes why (just [url=http://www.ewatchesselect.com/replica-rado-watches]Replica Rado Watches[/url] simply because the range matches that of a standard analog see):

    – One particular dimension fits all, practically: In contrast to lingerie and shoes, you can pick a person designer view and take convenience in the reality that it can be adjusted to fit any wrist. For men and ladies who absence the eye to gauge dimension, watches are God-send.
    – Functional goods: Watches [url=http://www.ewatchesselect.com/replica-roger-dubuis-watches]Replica Roger Dubuis watches[/url] serve a utilitarian goal – retaining time. Everybody will like a look at for a gift (particularly your management freak of a girlfriend)
    – Beautiful issues: Watches are attention-grabbers especially the kinds with brilliant straps (massive matter in 2008) and [url=http://www.ewatchesselect.com/replica-cartier-watches]Replica Cartier Watches[/url] precious jewels and metals. Who can deny that diamonds and gold on an actually-busy hand is attractive a mile absent?
    – Acceptable for all events: Christmas, birthday, anniversary, special celebrations – it does not make any difference. Designer watches for women will be appreciated all the time, even when her closet is full of it. Immediately after all, a lady could under no circumstances have far too a lot of watches, bags and footwear!
    – Ideal for everyone: No make a difference who you will be offering them to – wife, girlfriend, mistress, sister, niece, sister-in-regulation, female co-worker and boss – designer ladies’ watches are the most secure and surest bets.
    – Individual statement: Watches are evocative of an individual’s temperament. You [url=http://www.ewatchesselect.com/replica-zenith-watches]Replica Zenith Watches[/url] can give a see that speaks of the recipient’s character or your temperament just so she will bear in mind you every time she checks her view.
    – No-fuss present: You can present a watch suitable out of its box. No additional going to the retailer to have it wrapped and no much more grappling what coloration ribbon to tie [url=http://www.ewatchesselect.com/replica-patek-philippe-watches]Replica Patek Philippe[/url] it with.
    – Non-committal gifts: As opposed to rings and necklaces, designer ladies’ watches express your admiration and appreciation devoid of stating “I adore you and I want to marry you” to your woman enjoy of the minute.
    – Assortment of selection: With the numerous brands of designer watches for gals out there, you can opt for in accordance to your budget and preference.
    – Brand prestige: Logos are there for a purpose – to advertise to all and sundry that you can manage the real McCoy and that you have outstanding taste.
    – Leading-excellent: With the larger than average price tag also will come a larger than common quality of workmanship and precision.
    – Timeless accessory: Fashions occur and go. Model is eternal. These words immortalized by Chanel aptly describe the timeless elegant appeal of designer watches for girls.

    These twelve good reasons aside, haven’t you ever before felt like getting some thing just because you like it and you can afford it?

    Style Watch Checklist

    When it arrives to designer ladies’ watches, there are a handful of essential pointers you can adhere to. These are [url=http://www.ewatchesselect.com/replica-ulysse-nardin-watches]Replica Ulysse Nardin[/url] just guidelines since your watches are a reflection of your trend model – even Princess Diana was recognized to pair diamonds with denims to a smashing impact!

    Like all [url=http://www.ewatchesselect.com/replica-panerai-watches]Replica Panerai Watches[/url] other personal equipment, much less is greater when it will come to females watches. Gone are the days when females were permitted to put on several watches on a single arm and get absent with it and even then, only youngsters acquired absent with the vogue faux pas. In addition to, you will appear like a view whore when you do this at your age!

    You ought to go for top quality alternatively of quantity. It is way far better to have a couple of prime-notch designer watches for ladies to fit every occasion you plan to be in your social calendar than to individual numerous obviously very low-quality watches to put on for every single and just about every day of the yr.

    In this wise, go for designer watches for gals produced by reliable houses like Breitling, Chopard, Dubey and Shaldenbrand, Roger Dubuis, Cartier and Rolex. You will by no means go wrong here.

    Most importantly, stick to the correspondence principle as usually as feasible. When heading to a formal party, wear a dress see and substantial heels. When likely to casual affairs, wear a casual view and at ease shoes. Do in any other case and be well prepared to encounter pitying glances and [url=http://www.ewatchesselect.com/replica-montblanc-watches]Replica MontBlanc Watches[/url] scornful appears, not to point out a snicker here and there.


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